In the previous article, we showed you how to attract new leads for your practice. Now, we will present several lead nurturing strategies for chiropractors, to help these leads convert to patients. We will explain why this is a delicate process, that requires a lot of attention. And we will show you what to do to maximize the number of potential new patients.

What Exactly Is Lead Nurturing?

Here comes a new marketing term for you. However, we can easily explain it in a visual way. Please take a look at the photo that illustrates this article. It represents a sales funnel. Actually, it looks like a funnel.

Now, there are three main parts in this funnel:
1.    The top of the funnel – these are newly acquired leads. They are people who have just heard about chiropractic and subscribed to your newsletter out of curiosity.
2.    The middle of the funnel – these are leads who already know from your videos and article what chiropractors do. They are not yet sure whether your practice is the right choice for them
3.    The bottom of the funnel – these are the leads who already trust chiropractic as a form of therapy and your practice as service provider. They are ready to book the first appointment with you.

Lead nurturing represents the set of marketing strategies you use to help leads move down the funnel, from top to bottom. Of course, you will only persuade a percentage of all top of the funnel leads to book an initial appointment.

The purpose of lead nurturing strategies for chiropractors is to make this percentage as big as possible. These being said, here are some things you should do:

1. Create Content for Each Segment of Leads

A top of the funnel lead, who has just heard about your practice and your specialty, will need different information from a bottom of the funnel lead, who needs reasons to trust specifically you with their treatment.

Thus, when you create your content plan, consider what leads need during the entire journey through the sales funnel. You should give attention to all of them and give them the right information at the right moment.

For instance, a newly acquired lead would appreciate an article explaining what chiropractic is and how it helps with various conditions. A lead who has already attended your webinar, would appreciate a video tour of your practice, demonstrating how you care for your patients’ safety and privacy and introducing your other members of the staff to them.

2. Keep Your Leads Engaged on Several Platforms

Various studies show that a person needs up to 10 marketing touches (contacts) with a company before they decide to make a purchase. This means, that they need 10 interactions with:
•    Email newsletters
•    Lead magnet downloads
•    Social media posts
•    Blog articles
•    Webinars.

The more a person will interact with a brand, the more they develop a relationship of trust with it. This is why you should focus on all platforms and communication channels you can use in order to reach out to your leads and keep them engaged.

3. Create a Dialogue

Lead nurturing strategies for chiropractors are not monologues, where you say how effective your treatments are and how safe your practice is. You should encourage your leads to speak about themselves and their problems.

Always add a call to action at the end of your articles, asking readers to comment and leave their opinion. Ask questions on your social media pages and see what your followers say. Then use all this feedback and incorporate it in future articles, or even a separate Questions & Answers page on your website.

4. Give Prompt Answers to Queries

This not one of the best lead nurturing strategies for chiropractors, but one of the best practices in relationship to all prospects and patients in general. People want to receive answers quickly. And the time usually depends on the communication medium they used.

Here is a general timeline:
•    1 business day for emails
•    A few hours for Facebook or LinkedIn private messages
•    A few minutes for messages on Twitter,

One of the easy ways to keep a reader interested is to set up automated answers over the weekend or holidays. The reader will know that you will answer as soon as possible.

5. Personalize Your Emails

We will end this list of lead nurturing strategies for chiropractors with another best practice for all your electronic mail communications. Never use the “Dear Madam/Sir” formula.

You are addressing just one person, not a generic internet user. So, use their name and their preferred form of salutation. It is a little effort that will pay off. People love to know that someone is focusing their attention on them and them alone.

If you need help with your lead nurturing strategies for chiropractors or any other aspect of your digital marketing plans, do not hesitate to contact our experts!
