When you think “search engine” you automatically think “Google”. It is understandable, as the tech giant dominates the market at global level. But there are other search engines, and there are millions of people using them. They have a much lower market share, but this also means that there is less competition for local search ranking from other businesses. This is why we will show you how to win at local search optimization in 2021, by looking beyond Google.

Where Else Are People Searching for Information?

There was a time when Google did not exist (around 1998-1999). In that time – not very far away – the undisputed leader of search engine was Yahoo. A series of unfortunate corporate decisions (including the historical mistake of refusing to buy Google in 2000 for a mere $1 million) have made Yahoo little known by the younger generation.

However, it still exists, and still has millions of users who rely on its free email platform, messaging platform (now available as a web based chat) and – yes – search engine.

Another big player in the tech world – Microsoft – has also decided to take on Google and create its own search engine: Bing. And there are various other platforms we will discuss in this articles which, even though they are not search engines per se, are still used by consumers to search for products and services.

How to Create a Strategy for Local Search Optimization in 2021 without Google

If you are worried that you need to create a parallel strategy for your chiropractic practice, apart from the one we already told you about, please relax. What we are proposing is not a different way of optimizing your site or your local SEO strategy.

Essentially, all search engines do the same thing: they crawl the internet and they match keywords typed in by users with content on web pages. However, they do look at websites in different ways. And this is where you can take advantage to rank on Google’s competitors.

Here’s what to do:

1. Keep Your Social Media Profile Up to Date and Active

Chiropractic practices can find lots of new patients using the social media do educate users, build relationships with followers and convert them into patients. But did you know that an active social media page on Facebook, or a Twitter profile can help you rank on Microsoft Bing?

Representatives from the company have openly admitted that they look at social engagements and count them as a ranking factor. If you wonder, who uses Bing and why should I want to rank on it? – here’s the answer: Cortana, the digital assistant now equipped on all Windows PCs and mobile devices uses Bing as the primary search engine.

2. Build Profiles on Local Directories

Online directories help Google with localizing a business. So how does this help with your local search optimization in 2021 beyond Google? The answer is: there are many directories used by other search engines to match user locations with businesses.

Some of the best known are:
•    Apple Maps
•    Amazon Alexa
•    Yahoo
•    Yellow Pages
•    Better Business Bureau.

The last directory is one you should definitely strive to get featured in and get a ranking. BBB is one of the most trusted sources by consumers when it comes to checking the reliability and professionalism of any business.

3. Do Not Forget about Review Directories

The best known review directories remain Yelp and Trip Advisor. Millions of people use them to understand other consumers’ experiences with a specific business. These are forums where you can build a strong reputation for your chiropractic practice.

Most people are trying to be truly helpful when they go to one of these sites to post a review about a business and give it a rating. Thus, you must definitely include these directories in your strategy for local search optimization in 2021.

4. Consider the Latest Addition to Search Engines: DuckDuckGo

Its name sounds funny, but DuckDuckGo is anything but. In fact, it is the only search engine that openly promises users not to track them across the internet. With concerns about privacy on the rise, you can understand why this dark horse stands a chance against established search engines.

Moreover, it appears to be beneficial for businesses as well, as it is more cost effective to boost your page rank on DuckDuckGo than on any other search engine. The secret? Create Wikipedia like pages in your site. You can discuss the history of chiropractic, give explanations about various techniques you use, or focus on any topic that can be approached in this manner.

Local search optimization in 2021 means focusing your efforts on various channels that ultimately bring users to your website. If you need assistance in promoting your chiropractic practice, our expert SEO team is ready to help!
