For all chiropractors, the last year represented probably the worst nightmare – personally and professionally. However, as the entire world is getting slowly out of crisis, you are now ready to resume business as usual. You want to recover your losses and enjoy a thriving practice, with every working hour booked by patients. Today, we will show you how to get more chiropractic patients using tested and proven lead generation strategies.

What Exactly Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the first step in any marketing strategy. Its aim is to identify people who are interested in your business and want to know more about it. How do they manifest their interest? They accept to give you some personal data in exchange for access to your articles, your know-how and other sources of information you make available to them.

A simple example of a lead is a person who follows you on Facebook or Instagram or someone who subscribes to your newsletter. At this point, they are not ready to commit more than get information from you. However, with proper lead nurturing strategies (more on this in a future article), they will reach a moment when they trust your practice enough to become your chiropractic patients.

Let Us Start Building an Effective Lead Generation Strategy!

All the above appear complex marketing concepts. You wonder, as a chiropractor, do you have the skill to build such a strategy? First of all, you are not alone in your marketing work, because our specialists are ready to help you.

Secondly, you will see that the lead generation strategies we want you to try are simple and do not involve technical or marketing skills.

1. Create Lead Magnets Focusing on the Benefits of Chiropractic

A lead magnet is simply an article or an ebook which a person can access or download to learn something of interest to them. For example, if someone clicks on a link they see on Facebook to find out how chiropractic helps people with chronic back pain, they have accessed a lead magnet.

Lead magnets have several roles:
•    They make your chiropractic practice known to potential patients (brand awareness)
•    They show people that you are a knowledgeable specialist (reputation building)
•    They attract more subscribers to your blog and newsletter (lead generation).

2. Use Gated Content to Get More Subscribers

Gated content represents an article, video or a downloadable material which a person can access only after they provide you with personal data, usually, their name and email address. If they are curious about a topic, most people will accept to share this information with you and will consent to get your newsletters.

Gated content can also be a webinar, which chiropractic patients can access by registering.

3. Use Webinars to Get Attendants to Subscribe to Your Newsletter

Not everyone accepts to subscribe to a newsletter when they register for a webinar – and it is not wise to condition participation by compulsory subscribing. People do not like having their hand forced (no pun intended).

However, you can use the webinar to persuade participants to subscribe to your blog or your newsletter. If they are truly happy with what they learned in the webinar, they will want to know more.

4. Use Social Media to Promote Your Practice

Chiropractors can benefit a lot from social media platforms like Facebook. YouTube, and Instagram. You can share all your blog posts on your page, making them easier to find by potential chiropractic patients.

And you should also create content specifically for the social media, such as quick tips to relieve a stiff neck or a video tutorial showing some of the basic adjustments you perform on patients (using a member of your staff for demonstration purposes).

5. Ask Patients to Invite Their Friends to Subscribe to You

Getting a person to book a chiropractic appointment is not very easy. But getting them to follow social media pages or a blog is something anyone can persuade their friends to do.  Thus, our final lead generation strategy is a simplified form of the customer referral program.

With absolutely no obligation on their part, many people will subscribe to your newsletter, even out of sheer curiosity. In time, some of these subscribers will be ready to make the next step and book their first appointment.

If you need help with your lead generation strategy or need more ways to grow your list of chiropractic patients, our team of dedicated specialists is ready to help you!
