As a chiropractor registered on our platform, you have already got some referrals. However, many of them stopped after the initial appointment. You labeled them as difficult patients and felt you had no arguments to win them over. In this article, we will use our experience as chiropractors in helping you win these difficult patients’ trust.

Your First Goal: Help Patients Overcome Fear of the Unknown

You heard these phrases several times:
•    “I don’t know what to say…”
•    “But is it safe?”
•    “Do I really need so many appointments?”
•    “I’ll have to consult with my wife/husband”.

What these apparently difficult patients are not expressing by hiding behind these words is fear. They fear chiropractic because they don’t know what it is and they don’t understand it. So far, their interactions with medical professionals were limited to practitioners of Western medicine.

They were used to go to the doctor, get checked, get a prescription and take pills. Sometimes, they would have to go to hospital for blood tests or for surgeries. In short, they were used to the one-touch interaction with a doctor.

Take the Time to Understand Your Difficult Patients

The standard spiel is to ask patients if they have any questions. However, they are not even sure what to ask. So they clam up and say nothing. They may look as difficult patients who can’t wait to be over and done with the appointment.

However, if you start by telling them what exactly chiropractic adjustments are and how they may benefit from them, you will get their attention. Your patient is in pain or suffering from a condition that reduces their quality of life. Show them that you understand what they are dealing with and that you can help them.

There Is No Standard Script for Persuading Difficult Patients

As a chiropractor, you need to be a good listener and adaptable to circumstances. Patients are not always able to convey what hurts them or what they need from you. They are confused because they don’t know what you do and because constant pain has eroded their patience and positive mindset.

It is your job as a chiropractor to put them at ease. And to do so, you need to adapt your bedside manner to each of them. Some people need the assurance that you won’t make their spine pop and that it won’t hurt. Others are in doubt whether chiropractic works at all.

Show Empathy and Understanding

Each person experiences pain in a different manner. Some people bear it stoically because it’s the manly thing to do. Others are more afraid of pain than of the condition they suffer from.

Be emphatic to all of them. Do not tell the first patient that it’s not OK to endure pain and do not try to minimize the second person’s aversion to pain. Instead, build rapport with them by not being judgmental and showing understanding for their suffering and fears.

Encourage Your Difficult Patients to See in the Future

One great way of encouraging a patient to accept your treatment is showing them what their life might be at the end of this treatment. Tell them that they will be able to play tennis with their friends again. Explain to them that their neck stiffness will go away, and so will the tinnitus in their ear.

Give them examples (always protecting actual patient data) of success stories that are similar to their own case. People always crave some hope, the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Without making promises that you cannot fulfill, you can give them this hope.

Remember that difficult patients are actually people who are in pain and fearful of not knowing how you can help them. Maintaining the right attitude throughout the initial appointment can make the difference and win you a loyal and happy patient!
