Dr. Shane Smith

The Specific Chiropractic Centers of Austin

4106 Marathon Blvd Suite B Austin, TX

Verified profile
37 patient reviews

Dr Alex is the most caring health care professional I have ever had the pleasure to meet. She is kind, empathetic and has such a warm personality. I immediately felt ...

Brooke Underwood
Brooke Underwood

Dr. Shane Smith

The Specific Chiropractic Centers of Austin

4106 Marathon Blvd Suite B Austin, TX

Verified profile
  • Chiropractors
Languages spoken
  • English
Opening Hours
  • Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Recent reviews

Brooke Underwood

Brooke Underwood

Dr Alex is the most caring health care professional I have ever had the pleasure to meet. She is kind, empathetic and has such a warm personality. I immediately felt comfortable in her care from our first appointment and look forward to seeing the progress we make we each future adjustment. Her office feels like home which makes it even easier to relax and trust in her care. I would recommend her to anyone dealing with chronic migraines and not finding relief anywhere. She is a wealth of knowledge and I am thankful I found her and look forward to finding my joy again! :)
2020-12-22 — 3 years ago
Sharvari Shahane

Sharvari Shahane

First of all let me start by saying she is a very warm and welcoming person. She has a cute little clinic. The pillow is awesome, it works. Very comfortable and perfect for your neck. I also use it sometimes to hug it to keep my shoulders from slopping in sleep. I'm even planning to bring it with me on all future vacations because now i just cannot imagine sleeping without it.
2020-11-04 — 3 years ago

Frequently asked questions

When can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Shane Smith?
Appointments with Dr. Shane Smith are typically available within a week on Medximity. You can check his earliest availability and book an appointment online.
Is Dr. Shane Smith currently accepting new patients?
Dr. Shane Smith is generally open to accepting new patients. You can verify his availability and schedule an appointment via Medximity.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Shane Smith online?
Yes, appointments with Dr. Shane can be scheduled online through MedXimity. The process is straightforward, secure, and free of charge.
Which medical practice is Dr. Shane Smith affiliated with?
Dr. Shane Smith is affiliated with The Specific Chiropractic Centers of Austin.
Where is Dr. Shane Smith's office located?
Dr. Shane Smith's office is situated at 4106 Marathon Blvd Suite B Austin, TX, Austin, 78756, TX
How do patients review Dr. Shane Smith?
Dr. Shane Smith has received an overall rating of 5/5 from 37 patients, with top scores for both bedside manner and wait time. Individual reviews and ratings can be found on his profile.