Dr. Ryan Sweet, Lacey, 98512, WA

Dr. Ryan Sweet

LEVA Chiropractic

4704 Pacific Ave SE, Ste B Lacey, WA 98512

Verified profile
52 patient reviews

PART 2/3: On the 2nd appointment, he used the atlas orthogonal tool on me, along with another lady who was also on her 2nd appointment. This was the tool that does ...

Awaab Malik
Awaab Malik
Dr. Ryan Sweet, Lacey, 98512, WA

Dr. Ryan Sweet

LEVA Chiropractic

4704 Pacific Ave SE, Ste B Lacey, WA 98512

Verified profile
  • Chiropractors
Languages spoken
  • English
Opening Hours
  • Monday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Recent reviews

Awaab Malik

Awaab Malik

PART 2/3: On the 2nd appointment, he used the atlas orthogonal tool on me, along with another lady who was also on her 2nd appointment. This was the tool that does the magic, apparently, and it seemingly did just that. It was as painless as described and researched, I felt nothing and merely sat up slowly and robot-like after, so as not to let anything be reoriented. The device works like the "Newton's cradle" from what I read and understood. He took another x-ray to see how much it had moved my atlas which he showed me and explained it diligently. Next, we did another quick adjustment because while the initial one moved my atlas on the bottom, it countered the movement by moving on the top as well. After the adjustments, he mentioned it can take up to 3 hrs to "settle", but typically you start feeling the effects very soon. I still had eye pain and some neck pain then but it was not unbearable as it is many other times. I had SHARP pain when he pushed in the center of my back, which I have had for almost a month leading up to this. I could tell it had done something because while I was home, I slightly shifted my body maybe a little too soon and I started getting vertigo, which I have never gotten before in my life. I notified him as he advised. He mentioned that it was not a common side effect, but could be easily explained by my adjustment, and it also did not return again which was a good sign. I came back the next day feeling slightly better. He used the orthogonal tool again from which I had noticeable diminishing pain in my eye & neck. He was able to physically feel this change from the "knots" and tightness in my neck prior (he had described my neck as a "3" for inflammation prior, the highest marker possible). That last appointment was on a Thursday, the following days and weekend, all my pain and aches slowly began to subside. On that Sunday, I had absolutely no pain, same with Monday. After I saw him again on Tuesday, he was amazed and happy, he felt nothing out of tune in my neck and I did not need any orthogonal adjustment. He merely used the massage type tool to break up the fibers around my upper back and pushed on my center back to check its flexibility. When he pushed on my back, that sharp stabbing pain was completely gone! All the rib pains I was having for months and months were gone. The neck pains and migraines that had been happening for literally years had vanished, like magic, after 3 adjustments over just two days... This quite possibly could only be described by one word: Unbelievable. No one would believe this story or that it works, or they would even think it was psychological and all in my head. I would not even blame them, almost no one knows about this tool and methodology, speaks about it, advertises it, etc. Or it's simply tainted in most people's minds because of the word "Chiropractic". I am only 33 years old and am in as good of physical condition as I could be given the circumstances as well as very healthy and dietary conscious. This is probably one of the reasons I was able to have such great results almost instantly. I have only gone back once a week so far and have not needed another orthogonal adjustment. I feel I might at some point, as I had a slight relapse a few days ago where I had some similar pains but at about 1/4 of the duration and magnitude. But, it all went away the next day and Dr. Sweet always mentions how our body knows how to repair itself, he is merely pushing it in the right general direction and reminding itself how to readjust as long as it has not forgotten. Hopefully, it all lasts, and I am slowly getting back to working out to see how that goes. I was waiting to post a review because I wanted to be absolutely sure it worked considering how long I've dealt with this and how many symptoms I had. Even Dr. Sweet advised me to be cautious of the results, but now after almost three weeks, we both agree that this has mostly treated my issues!
2024-02-09 — 8 months ago
Awaab Malik

Awaab Malik

PART 1/3: I've been waiting to write this response to you and also excited to do so. Also, I am not receiving any compensation nor was I even asked or told to write a review (not mentioned in anyway)... I am doing this entirely on my own. I visited Dr. Ryan Sweet, per referral from Dr. Jennifer Penrose (she runs a large physical therapy clinic in the area), for the first time on January 22nd. In the lead up to that appointment, I texted back and forth with him (he contacted me as a follow-up to my online inquiry). I had not agreed upon any obligation or financial exchange to him, nor even booked an appointment. And yet, he texted me on his phone and took hours of his own time from his life & family to send me various information (literally hundreds of words of cited material, knowledge, and research) about what I am dealing with, causes, treatments, and his own experiences for free. This is when I already knew that he was legitimate, in addition to the referral. I was going to wait for an MRI before first seeing him, but now I figured it wouldn't matter as I had decided that I was going to see him regardless. Fast forward to the 1st appointment, and it was very thorough, professional, and detailed. It was an informative consult which included x-rays as a "before" stage of your atlas. Unlike most chiropractors who on the first appointment, give you a rough idea of what's going on then crack/snap your bones and then schedule your next appointments which continue indefinitely. Dr. Sweet had actual metrics and calculations that you could follow and analyze--he had a goal to move your atlas and neck to a specific value and would take x-rays to show you what value it is currently at. Within that, he would tell you how/why that subluxation of your atlas could be causing the issues. To preface the 2nd appointment, I have had a multitude of symptoms for as long as I can remember and have seen all kinds of chiropractors, doctors, acupuncturists, massage & physical therapists, etc. Nothing helped. Migraines, neck and orbital pains that get cripplingly bad throughout the day. This would happen even after sitting for an hour or two, where I'd get excruciating upper back soreness and throbbing pain in my shoulder blades. Dr. Sweet mentioned the atlas subluxation likes to present as pain in these pressure points. I would also get incessant orbital neuralgia that would give me blurry vision in at least one eye every single day for most of the day, also presenting with aching and throbbing pain all day. To make it even more confusing, I always had various rib pain (particularly on the left side) that sometimes was stabbing pain shooting to my sternum, which led me to believe I may have a herniated disc or some other internal issue (which various scans and blood tests ruled out). Basically, I would have to be loaded on anti-inflammatories throughout the day as those were the only things that would help (in addition to some caffeine). I couldn't sit for even an hour, even standing for over an hour had become the most painful as my entire body would start to hurt and give out, from the bottom up. Only walking and sometimes laying down was comfortable and pleasant. I could not train or workout with any type of intensity, besides walking, or I'd have nerve pains all over and be basically crippled for a week or more.
2024-02-09 — 8 months ago
Tiffany Alexander

Tiffany Alexander

My husband and I are both going to Dr. Sweet. My husband started 3 weeks before me. The shoulder and elbow pain that he had are gone. We are so happy!!! In the few treatments that I have had, I am already seeing improvements in my neck and back and im very hopeful it will get better and better! Dr. Sweet is wonderful and truly cares. He takes the time to thoroughly explain your issues and the treatments, which we have appreciated so very much. Kate and Lisa, who are the office manager and his assistant, are both so kind also. We enjoy going to our treatments and are so grateful to our dear friend who told us about Leva Chiropractic. This is an updated comment, so I have been going to Dr.Sweet for a month now. Last Thursday he did more x-rays and had me get another treatment on the atlas machine. This was the one!!! My neck feels like its been healed! The pain in it is about 90 percent gone. I drove over to Pasco for a memorial service and normally I would be in agonizing pain from driving so far, but I wasn't at all and driving back going over the pass which was stressful because of the snow, I normally would have been in pain for sure for days after with neck pain and migraines but I wasn't!!!!! I can't believe it and am soooooo happy!!!! My neck is holding and I am doing a lot better! My migraines have decreased a lot since I started going to Dr. Sweet. I have tried so many things for my migraines and this definitely has given me the best results so far. I highly recommend Dr. Sweet to anyone who suffers from neck pain and migraines. But be patient. It may not happen overnight, but he will help!!! I THANK GOD FOR DR. SWEET!!!!!
2023-02-01 — a year ago

Frequently asked questions

When can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Ryan Sweet?
Appointments with Dr. Ryan Sweet are typically available within a week on Medximity. You can check his earliest availability and book an appointment online.
Is Dr. Ryan Sweet currently accepting new patients?
Dr. Ryan Sweet is generally open to accepting new patients. You can verify his availability and schedule an appointment via Medximity.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Ryan Sweet online?
Yes, appointments with Dr. Ryan can be scheduled online through MedXimity. The process is straightforward, secure, and free of charge.
Which medical practice is Dr. Ryan Sweet affiliated with?
Dr. Ryan Sweet is affiliated with LEVA Chiropractic.
Where is Dr. Ryan Sweet's office located?
Dr. Ryan Sweet's office is situated at 4704 Pacific Ave SE, Ste B Lacey, WA 98512, Lacey, 98512, WA
How do patients review Dr. Ryan Sweet?
Dr. Ryan Sweet has received an overall rating of 4.8/5 from 52 patients, with top scores for both bedside manner and wait time. Individual reviews and ratings can be found on his profile.