Dr. Pete Gay, Kennebunk, 04043, ME

Dr. Pete Gay

Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk

44 York Street Kennebunk, ME 04043

Verified profile
80 patient reviews

Dr Pete great. He basically diagnosed my condition when i walked through the door. He took an x-ray and pointed out what was causing my issue. He presented a plan ...

Mike Barra
Mike Barra
Dr. Pete Gay, Kennebunk, 04043, ME

Dr. Pete Gay

Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk

44 York Street Kennebunk, ME 04043

Verified profile
  • Chiropractors
Languages spoken
  • English
Opening Hours
  • Monday: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 3:00 – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 3:00 – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 3:00 – 6:00 PM
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Recent reviews

Mike Barra

Mike Barra

Dr Pete great. He basically diagnosed my condition when i walked through the door. He took an x-ray and pointed out what was causing my issue. He presented a plan of action that has been successful
2024-09-18 — 2 weeks ago
Chris Stone

Chris Stone

Kate and Pete are the best! "straighten" me right out. love them!
2024-07-05 — 3 months ago
Heather Baker

Heather Baker

Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk makes me feel seen. The relief of that feeling was overwhelming as it’s not anything I’ve experienced in my 43 years of medical care. They quickly gained my trust and I’m so thankful to have found them!
2024-02-29 — 7 months ago

Frequently asked questions

When can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Pete Gay?
Appointments with Dr. Pete Gay are typically available within a week on Medximity. You can check his earliest availability and book an appointment online.
Is Dr. Pete Gay currently accepting new patients?
Dr. Pete Gay is generally open to accepting new patients. You can verify his availability and schedule an appointment via Medximity.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Pete Gay online?
Yes, appointments with Dr. Pete can be scheduled online through MedXimity. The process is straightforward, secure, and free of charge.
Which medical practice is Dr. Pete Gay affiliated with?
Dr. Pete Gay is affiliated with Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk.
Where is Dr. Pete Gay's office located?
Dr. Pete Gay's office is situated at 44 York Street Kennebunk, ME 04043, Kennebunk, 04043, ME
How do patients review Dr. Pete Gay?
Dr. Pete Gay has received an overall rating of 4.9/5 from 80 patients, with top scores for both bedside manner and wait time. Individual reviews and ratings can be found on his profile.