Dr. Shannon Connor
Dr. Shannon Connor
485 E. 17th Street, Suite 510 Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Verified profile
Dr Connor and team have been so attentive and accommodating. My therapy has been successful so far. I no longer experience the neck or back pains, I have more energy. ...
Anna Linares
Dr. Shannon Connor
Dr. Shannon Connor
485 E. 17th Street, Suite 510 Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Verified profile
- Chiropractors
Languages spoken
- English
Opening Hours
- Monday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- Tuesday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 2:00 – 6:00 PM
- Friday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Recent reviews
Anna Linares
Dr Connor and team have been so attentive and accommodating. My therapy has been successful so far. I no longer experience the neck or back pains, I have more energy. The bunion on my foot has diminished. I am now walking evenly, no more waddling. My alignment is almost perfect.
2024-08-05 — a month ago
Sandra P
I first came to see Dr. Connor for soft wave therapy for my carpal tunnel. I had pain for 2 years and immediately after the first treatment my symptoms were gone. I decided to have a complete assessment to find out the cause of my neck, back and foot pain and I have been receiving decompression treatments with advanced technology and I feel so much better. Dr. Connor provides a holistic and gentle practice approach and her staff, Lena and Olivia are warm and caring professionals. I am thankful to be in their care.
2024-07-14 — 2 months ago
Cheri Hoffer
There aren’t many things in life you can say this about but for me, seeing Dr. Connor has been life changing. I came for itching under my skin that had been going on for years and was so constant it kept me from sleeping. (My fabulous dermatologist told me to see a chiropractor.) Not only did Dr. Conner diagnose the issue, via a multitude of X-rays, she solved other issues that I had no idea were related and had bothered me for years. My treatment resolved the itching in its entirety after 3 sessions and also resolved the pain in my feet when wearing shoes, and grinding my teeth. I can not recommend Dr. Connor highly about. Additionally, her staff is always very pleasant and professional and the office is welcoming. Truly a life changing experience.
2024-07-12 — 2 months ago
Frequently asked questions
When can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Shannon Connor?
Appointments with Dr. Shannon Connor are typically available within a week on Medximity. You can check his earliest availability and book an appointment online.
Is Dr. Shannon Connor currently accepting new patients?
Dr. Shannon Connor is generally open to accepting new patients. You can verify his availability and schedule an appointment via Medximity.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Shannon Connor online?
Yes, appointments with Dr. Shannon can be scheduled online through MedXimity. The process is straightforward, secure, and free of charge.
Which medical practice is Dr. Shannon Connor affiliated with?
Dr. Shannon Connor is affiliated with Dr. Shannon Connor.
Where is Dr. Shannon Connor's office located?
Dr. Shannon Connor's office is situated at 485 E. 17th Street, Suite 510 Costa Mesa, CA 92627, Costa Mesa, 92627, CA
How do patients review Dr. Shannon Connor?
Dr. Shannon Connor has received an overall rating of 5/5 from 38 patients, with top scores for both bedside manner and wait time. Individual reviews and ratings can be found on his profile.