Dr. Aaron Spitzlberger
Doc Spitz Performance Clinic
Littleton, Colorado 80217
Verified profile
I’ve been under Dr Matt’s care for several months now. He is very knowledgeable, caring and thorough. I have had chiropractic care for many years. 23 years as an ...
Natalie Wilson
Dr. Aaron Spitzlberger
Doc Spitz Performance Clinic
Littleton, Colorado 80217
Verified profile
- Chiropractic Consultation
- Sports Injury
- Back Pain
- Back Problems
- Car Accident Injury
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Muscle Pain
- Neck Pain
- Neck Problems
- Arthritis
- Hand Problems
- Achilles Tendinitis
- Active Release Technique
- Ankle Pain
- Ankle Problems
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rehabilitation
- Balance Therapy
- Chiropractic Adjustment
- Chronic Pain
- Cryotherapy
- Cupping
- Elbow Pain
- Elbow Problems
- Facial Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Foot Problems
- Golfer's Elbow / Medial Epicondylitis
- Graston Technique
- Groin Pain
- Hand Therapy
- Herniated Disk
- Hip Pain
- Hip Problems
- Impaired Gait
- Jaw Pain
- Joint Pain
- Knee Pain
- Knee Problems
- Leg Pain
- Ligament Sprain
- Lower Back Pain / Lumbago
- Manual Therapy
- Migraine
- Mobility Therapy
- Motor Vehicle Accident
- Muscle Cramps
- Muscle Strain
- Myofascial Release Therapy
- Occupational Injuries
- Osteoarthritis
- Pain Reduction Exercise
- Pain Rehabilitation
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Post-Operative Mobility (Hand and Fingers)
- Post-Operative Mobility (Joints and Body)
- Posture Correction
- Problem with Balance
- Shoulder Pain
- Shoulder Problem
- Spinal Rehabilitation
- Spine Deformation / Scoliosis
- Sports Rehabilitation
- Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain
- Tendonitis
- Tennis Elbow
- Therapeutic Exercise
- Trigger Point Dry Needling
- Vertigo
- Worker's Compensation Evaluation
- Wrist Pain
- Wrist Problems
- Back Pain during Pregnancy
- Chiropractic Follow Up
- Flexion Distraction Therapy
- Heel Pain
- Hip Pain during Pregnancy
- Personal Injury
- Sciatica
- Whiplash Injury
- Workers Compensation - Injury / Impairment
- Chiropractors
Languages spoken
- English
Opening Hours
- Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
- Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
- Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
- Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
- Saturday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- Sunday: Closed
Recent reviews
Natalie Wilson
I’ve been under Dr Matt’s care for several months now. He is very knowledgeable, caring and thorough. I have had chiropractic care for many years. 23 years as an orthodontic assistant has taken a toll on my back and shoulders. Dr Matt has been great at locating and adjusting the areas that need attention. In addition dry needling has been very effective. I highly recommend Dr Matt.
2025-02-19 — 4 weeks ago
Edwin Maier
The entire staff made me feel welcomed. All my questions were answered to my satisfaction. The chiropractor made feel as though he was genuinely interested in my physical condition. Many questions were asked in order to better treat a specific need. I will return and I will recommend this chiropractic office.
2025-02-06 — a month ago
Raymond Massa
Dr Matthew Weaver, D.C.. Was extremely thorough working with me in the diagnosis and treatment of my lower back, left and right hips, left and right legs. Chiropractic adjustments for my lower, hips and left and right legs. Along with Dry needling/electro stimulation treatment, It helped alleviate the extreme pain the in my lower back and stimulating muscles and nerves. I am extremely satisfied with Dr Weaver he is very professional and caring for his patient. I highly recommend him.
2025-01-27 — a month ago
Frequently asked questions
When can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger?
Appointments with Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger are typically available within a week on Medximity. You can check his earliest availability and book an appointment online.
Is Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger currently accepting new patients?
Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger is generally open to accepting new patients. You can verify his availability and schedule an appointment via Medximity.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger online?
Yes, appointments with Dr. Aaron can be scheduled online through MedXimity. The process is straightforward, secure, and free of charge.
Which medical practice is Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger affiliated with?
Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger is affiliated with Doc Spitz Performance Clinic.
Where is Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger's office located?
Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger's office is situated at Littleton, Colorado 80217, Denver, 80217, CO
What are some common reasons for seeing Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger?
Patients often visit Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger for issues such as chiropractic consultation, sports injury, back pain, back problems, car accident injury, headache, dizziness, muscle pain, neck pain, neck problems, arthritis, hand problems, achilles tendinitis, active release technique, ankle pain, ankle problems, anterior cruciate ligament (acl) rehabilitation, balance therapy, chiropractic adjustment, chronic pain, cryotherapy, cupping, elbow pain, elbow problems, facial pain, fibromyalgia, foot problems, golfer's elbow / medial epicondylitis, graston technique, groin pain, hand therapy, herniated disk, hip pain, hip problems, impaired gait, jaw pain, joint pain, knee pain, knee problems, leg pain, ligament sprain, lower back pain / lumbago, manual therapy, migraine, mobility therapy, motor vehicle accident, muscle cramps, muscle strain, myofascial release therapy, occupational injuries, osteoarthritis, pain reduction exercise, pain rehabilitation, plantar fasciitis, post-operative mobility (hand and fingers), post-operative mobility (joints and body), posture correction, problem with balance, shoulder pain, shoulder problem, spinal rehabilitation, spine deformation / scoliosis, sports rehabilitation, temporo-mandibular joint (tmj) pain, tendonitis, tennis elbow, therapeutic exercise, trigger point dry needling, vertigo, worker's compensation evaluation, wrist pain, wrist problems, back pain during pregnancy, chiropractic follow up, flexion distraction therapy, heel pain, hip pain during pregnancy, personal injury, sciatica, whiplash injury, workers compensation - injury / impairment. Additional visit reasons are available on his profile.
How do patients review Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger?
Dr. Aaron T. Spitzlberger has received an overall rating of 5/5 from 93 patients, with top scores for both bedside manner and wait time. Individual reviews and ratings can be found on his profile.