Dr. Jeffrey Jensen, Riverton, 84065, UT

Dr. Jeffrey Jensen

Balanced Chiropractic

2464 W 12600 S, Ste 110, Riverton UT 84065, US

Verified profile
110 patient reviews

Dr. Black was very educational and identified some potential problems in my neck. the clinic was also able to provide relief on my sciatic. I’ve used a tense unit ...

Eric Larson
Eric Larson
Dr. Jeffrey Jensen, Riverton, 84065, UT

Dr. Jeffrey Jensen

Balanced Chiropractic

2464 W 12600 S, Ste 110, Riverton UT 84065, US

Verified profile
  • Chiropractors
Languages spoken
  • English
Opening Hours
  • Monday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: Closed
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Recent reviews

Eric Larson

Eric Larson

Dr. Black was very educational and identified some potential problems in my neck. the clinic was also able to provide relief on my sciatic. I’ve used a tense unit for the last year or so and there soundwave seems to have done the trick. I’ve never felt relief on my sciatic until now so thank you.
2024-08-22 — a month ago
Megan Komatsu

Megan Komatsu

I have suffered from extreme neck and SI joint pain for the past 5 years. To say it completely took over my life would be an understatement. I tried everything from PT, medications, injections, decompression, massage, traditional chiropractic, and upper cervical chiropractic from other providers. I would get some relief (if at all) and for maybe a day or two max until I started seeing Dr. Black. I felt more relief after my first adjustment and it lasted longer than any other treatment I had tried. It's been 2 months of regular appointments with him and I've been able to do activities that I had previously thought I would never be able to enjoy again. I can confidently say I now believe my body is capable of and is actually healing. I can't thank Dr. Black enough for literally giving me my life back. THANK YOU!!!!
2024-05-29 — 4 months ago
Isabelle Goodrum

Isabelle Goodrum

I had been having pretty bad neck and upper back pain, so I came in and got a scan. Dr. Hunter Black showed me exactly where my neck was misaligned, and he has been incredible to work with! I have been coming here about a month now, and am already feeling significantly better. Super happy that I decided to come here and get treated by Dr. Black!
2024-04-23 — 5 months ago

Frequently asked questions

When can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Jensen?
Appointments with Dr. Jeffrey Jensen are typically available within a week on Medximity. You can check his earliest availability and book an appointment online.
Is Dr. Jeffrey Jensen currently accepting new patients?
Dr. Jeffrey Jensen is generally open to accepting new patients. You can verify his availability and schedule an appointment via Medximity.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Jensen online?
Yes, appointments with Dr. Jeffrey can be scheduled online through MedXimity. The process is straightforward, secure, and free of charge.
Which medical practice is Dr. Jeffrey Jensen affiliated with?
Dr. Jeffrey Jensen is affiliated with Balanced Chiropractic.
Where is Dr. Jeffrey Jensen's office located?
Dr. Jeffrey Jensen's office is situated at 2464 W 12600 S, Ste 110, Riverton UT 84065, US, Riverton, 84065, UT
How do patients review Dr. Jeffrey Jensen?
Dr. Jeffrey Jensen has received an overall rating of 4.9/5 from 110 patients, with top scores for both bedside manner and wait time. Individual reviews and ratings can be found on his profile.