Dr. Jacob Bastomski

Back To Health Chiropractic and Wellness

State Street Chiropractic 1900 State Street Suite H Santa Barbara, CA

Verified profile
18 patient reviews

I've have many old and new injuries and Dr. Bastomski has been able make me feel like new! He's been able to repair issues that several other chiropractors weren't able ...

Leslie Thompson
Leslie Thompson

Dr. Jacob Bastomski

Back To Health Chiropractic and Wellness

State Street Chiropractic 1900 State Street Suite H Santa Barbara, CA

Verified profile
  • Chiropractors
Languages spoken
  • English
Opening Hours
  • Monday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Recent reviews

Leslie Thompson

Leslie Thompson

I've have many old and new injuries and Dr. Bastomski has been able make me feel like new! He's been able to repair issues that several other chiropractors weren't able to fix. He's the best chiropractor in town!
2022-08-10 — 2 years ago
Teagen Targhuhanuchi

Teagen Targhuhanuchi

I wasn't able to sit comfortably with good posture for years due to pain in my back and he was able to correct it on the 1st visit! He's a very knowledgeable and indepth muscle yesterday and can help with muscle weakness just with proper adjustment! He can also identify and adjust inner ear issues affecting neck pain issues and balance! He's very knowledgeable in nutritional assements and can help you address your health concerns with affordable wholesale specialized tests and has great supplemental knowledge and recommendations! His assements are very thorough and and he takes adequate time to address all of your health concerns to treat your whole body!
2021-11-05 — 2 years ago
Zaira Villalpando

Zaira Villalpando

Dr. B is AMAZING! He can heal anything going on with you. His chiropractic is great, but his nutrition portion with chiropractic can solve any ongoing issues. I had originally gone to him due to hip issue (unable to walk straight), which was resolved in 2 sessions and then I tackled my anxiety. He is not like any other chiropractor who continually requires maintenance and your never healed. He actually provides results!
2019-04-25 — 5 years ago

Frequently asked questions

When can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Jacob Bastomski?
Appointments with Dr. Jacob Bastomski are typically available within a week on Medximity. You can check his earliest availability and book an appointment online.
Is Dr. Jacob Bastomski currently accepting new patients?
Dr. Jacob Bastomski is generally open to accepting new patients. You can verify his availability and schedule an appointment via Medximity.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Jacob Bastomski online?
Yes, appointments with Dr. Jacob can be scheduled online through MedXimity. The process is straightforward, secure, and free of charge.
Which medical practice is Dr. Jacob Bastomski affiliated with?
Dr. Jacob Bastomski is affiliated with Back To Health Chiropractic and Wellness.
Where is Dr. Jacob Bastomski's office located?
Dr. Jacob Bastomski's office is situated at State Street Chiropractic 1900 State Street Suite H Santa Barbara, CA, Santa Barbara, 93101, CA
How do patients review Dr. Jacob Bastomski?
Dr. Jacob Bastomski has received an overall rating of 4.9/5 from 18 patients, with top scores for both bedside manner and wait time. Individual reviews and ratings can be found on his profile.