Many folks don't realize that UCCGA provides sports therapy. In this article, you will discover why it's important to take care of your spine so you can perform at the highest possible level. When folks have a sports-related injury and need therapy they often ask the question: ‘
Should I get adjusted by a Chiropractor?’ The simple answer is: YES! You use your spine for almost every task your body performs. When you play sports it is important that you protect and care for your spine. Not every serious spinal injury is a break. In fact, many times the symptoms of an injury to your spine aren't as obvious as being paralyzed. Even a small misalignment can have big consequences.
Many times folks will wait months, even years before they even attempt sports therapy. These small injuries can build up and cause huge problems. These problems can drastically affect every aspect of your game. When a high-intensity sport causes your upper cervical spine to become misaligned, you can expect a decrease in your body’s ability to perform. A study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research revealed something that may surprise you.
It was discovered that a simple upper cervical adjustment increased college baseball players’ performance in huge ways. This groundbreaking study was conducted on 21 males from a college baseball team. On the first day of the study, all of the baseball players were given the same physical tests. After the initial tests were conducted, half of the players received sports therapy in the form of an upper cervical adjustment.
The other half was used as a control group. They did not receive any sports therapy. The players were all given the exact same test again five weeks later. The results showed that the players who received upper cervical chiropractic care had increased blood flow. This allowed for greater oxygen distribution in their muscles. There were also other interesting changes that we will reveal next.
Sports Therapy Chiropractic Results
At 14 weeks, an upper cervical chiropractor gave all of the players the original battery of tests again. It quickly became clear, the group of players that received an upper cervical adjustment, had a remarkable increase in performance. There was a considerable improvement in their muscle strength and long-distance jump. Incredibly, there was even a significant improvement in blood capillary vessel counts.
Now, you may wonder what capillary vessels are and why you should care about them. Basically, capillaries are the tiny blood vessels in your body. They transport oxygen and other nutrients to places regular blood vessels won't fit. These tiny vessels are extremely important. Your muscles require a lot of oxygen to perform at their peak. This amazing increase in blood distribution allowed them to radically improve their overall performance.
The amazing results didn’t stop there. Further studying revealed that the athletes who received chiropractic care had marked improvements in their overall cardiovascular system. This caused a decrease in their resting blood pressure and heart rate following exercise. All from a simple, painless adjustment.