Neck Pain Specialist - Blair Upper Cervical Care

Torticollis, TMJ, Vertigo, Headaches, and cognitive fog are other symptoms that many times are associated with chronic neck pain. In Los Angeles, our neck pain specialist practices a little-known, non-invasive health care procedure called Upper Cervical Care. 

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Most chronic neck problems result from injury.  Injuries damage the soft tissue that gives the joints in the neck stability. Once the joints lose their normal motion there is a cascade of effects that follow.  

Muscles become tight, the range of motion in the neck decreases, and a positive feedback loop of health issues usually ensue.  Motion in the upper neck joints is vital to proper nervous system function.  When the neck muscles become tight there are several mechanisms that occur that lead to interference to body health.

Myo-dural Bridge And Its Effects On Neck Pain and Health

About a decade ago, after hundreds of years of anatomical investigation, a new anatomical finding was recognized in the neck.  A small muscle that connects to the head and the back part of the second vertebra in the neck was found to have a piece of connective tissue that attaches to the spinal cord covering.  The covering is known as the dura mater. The dura is sheath-like in its construction and full of sensitive nerve endings. 

How does this related to the other symptoms that often are associated with chronic neck pain? There are several studies that suggest that tight sub-occipital muscles at the base of the skull have an adverse effect on the spinal cord and its function. (2)  The modular bridge has been related to headaches. It is also not out of the question that this mechanism is the underlying cause of a host of other chronic health conditions.  Because it is a fairly new finding not a lot of research has been conducted on its effects on human health.

Upper Cervical Care - What is it?

Our offices in Los Angeles have taken care of more than 8000 patients over the past 15 years. We surveyed a percentage of our patients in 2015 and the biggest benefit by the percentage that patients experienced was pain relief.  Followed by improved sleep and better mood.

Upper Cervical Care is a unique health discipline that uses the best of science(digital X-ray, thermography, and objective testing) coupled with compassion for patients that are suffering. Listen to a few of our patient's testimonials: Whiplash and Chronic Pain, Neck Pain-Chronic Fatigue, and Post Concussion Syndrome and Pain

The goal of the Upper Cervical is to correct structural misalignments in the neck so the central nervous system can function at its best.  An Upper Cervical Doctor runs objective tests to determine if and where you have spinal trouble.

Once located precise x-rays are taken to image the joints of the neck.  This allows the doctor to measure the angle and size of the misalignment at the joint. Once this information is compiled it is used to make a precise gentle correction. 

The correction does not involve any popping, twisting, or cracking.  Follow-up care is necessary to monitor whether the interference to the spinal cord has returned or not. If the correction is "holding" nothing is done. If the test indicates the nerve irritation has returned another correction is made.  

The goal of Upper Cervical Care is to allow the body to recover strength in the soft tissue so the joints can function without locking and subsequent irritation to the nerve system remains clear. Nature needs no help just no interference! 

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