Dr. Brittany J

Midwest Wellness Center

12 Gravois Station Rd

인증된 프로필
8년의 경험
환자 신뢰 점수
244 patient reviews

I can't say enough good things about them! From the moment you walk in, you're greeted by a warm and friendly staff who genuinely care about your well-being. They take ...

Erika Morgan
Erika Morgan

Dr. Brittany J

Midwest Wellness Center

12 Gravois Station Rd

인증된 프로필
8년의 경험

에 대해

Dr. Brittany is passionate about helping her community and ensuring that all people have access to high quality wellness care. This passion comes from seeing improvements patients make under chiropractic and other holistic care. Dr. Brittany Jauernig, DC founded Midwest Wellness Center in her hometown after seeing a need to create more access to doctors, specifically holistic doctors, in rural areas. Dr. Brittany practiced in Southern Colorado from 2017 - 2023 before moving back home to be closer to family.

모든 조건 및 치료
  • 척추 교정 지압 요법 상담
  • 허리 통증
  • 허리 문제
  • 자동차 사고 부상
  • 두통
  • 현기증
  • 목 통증
  • 손 문제
  • 아킬레스 건염
  • 발목 통증
  • 발목 문제
  • 척추 교정 지압 요법 조정
  • 만성 통증
  • 커핑
  • 팔꿈치 통증
  • 팔꿈치 문제
  • 안면 통증
  • 섬유근육통
  • 발 문제
  • 골퍼 팔꿈치/내측 상과염
  • 그래스톤 테크닉
  • 사타구니 통증
  • 허리 디스크
  • 고관절 통증
  • 보행 장애
  • 턱 통증
  • 관절 통증
  • 다리 통증
  • 허리 통증/요통
  • 편두통
  • 자동차 사고
  • 경부 변형/사경
  • 직업상 부상
  • 골관절염
  • 통증 재활
  • 족저근막염
  • 자세 교정
  • 밸런스 문제
  • 어깨 통증
  • 척추용해
  • 측두하악관절 (TMJ) 통증
  • 건염
  • 테니스 엘보
  • 트리거 포인트 드라이 니들링
  • 버티고
  • 손목 통증
  • 손목 문제
  • 임신 중 허리 통증
  • 척추 교정 지압 요법 후속 조치
  • 발뒤꿈치 통증
  • 임신 중 고관절 통증
  • 영양 후속 조치
  • 개인 상해
  • 좌골 신경통
  • 초음파 요법
  • 웰니스 케어
  • 편달 부상
  • 근로자 보상 - 부상/손상
  • 카이로프랙틱
  • 침술
  • Community Service/Non-Profit
  • 대체 의학
  • 비타민 및 보충제
  • 통증 관리
  • 중국 전통 의학
  • 헬스 코치
이사회 인증

Dr. Jauernig is a board certified chiropractic acupuncturist. 

교육 및 훈련

Dr. Brittany provides personalized treatment plans for sudden injuries, chronic pain management, and health optimization. Treatments often include chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, soft tissue work, lab testing and nutrition/supplement recommendations.

구사 가능한 언어
  • 영어
개장 시간
  • 월요일: 오전 9시~오후 12시, 오후 2시~오후 6시
  • 화요일: 오후 2시~6시
  • 수요일: 오전 9시~오후 12시, 오후 2시~오후 6시
  • 목요일: 오전 9시~오후 12시, 오후 2시~오후 6시
  • 금요일: 휴무
  • Saturday: 8:30 – 10:00 AM
  • 일요일: 휴무

최근 리뷰

Erika Morgan

Erika Morgan

I can't say enough good things about them! From the moment you walk in, you're greeted by a warm and friendly staff who genuinely care about your well-being. They take the time to listen to your concerns and work diligently to address and resolve any issues you're experiencing. It's clear that their top priority is helping you feel better, not just temporarily but long-term. I always leave feeling cared for and supported. If you're looking for a place that combines expertise with genuine compassion, I highly recommend this office!

2024-09-25 — 2개월 전

Holly George

Holly George

I cannot recommend Midwest Family Wellness enough! They truly care about their clients and listen to concerns. They take the time to make sure they are offering the proper and necessary care instead of jumping into it. I’m so grateful that someone else recommended them to me!! They have helped immensely.

2024-07-29 — 4개월 전

Amber Arbogast

Amber Arbogast

HANDS DOWN! I literally cannot say enough awesome things about this place!! Each and every single person is just incredible. I have never experienced such great chiropractic care PLUS, I was able to meet some great people. I’ve seen Kori twice already for massages, she is impeccable. From the moment I met her, it felt natural and compassionate. I could go on for ages… Thank you MFW!

2024-04-24 — 7개월 전

자주 묻는 질문

When can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Brittany J?
Appointments with Dr. Brittany J are typically available within a week on Medximity. You can check his earliest availability and book an appointment online.
Is Dr. Brittany J currently accepting new patients?
Dr. Brittany J is generally open to accepting new patients. You can verify his availability and schedule an appointment via Medximity.
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Brittany J online?
네, 브리트니 박사와의 예약은 MedXimity를 통해 온라인으로 예약할 수 있습니다.절차는 간단하고 안전하며 무료입니다.
Which medical practice is Dr. Brittany J affiliated with?
Dr. Brittany J is affiliated with Midwest Wellness Center.
Where is Dr. Brittany J's office located?
Dr. Brittany J's office is situated at 12 Gravois Station Rd, House Springs, 63051, MO
What are some common reasons for seeing Dr. Brittany J?
Patients often visit Dr. Brittany J for issues such as chiropractic consultation, back pain, back problems, car accident injury, headache, dizziness, neck pain, hand problems, achilles tendinitis, ankle pain, ankle problems, chiropractic adjustment, chronic pain, cupping, elbow pain, elbow problems, facial pain, fibromyalgia, foot problems, golfer's elbow / medial epicondylitis, graston technique, groin pain, herniated disk, hip pain, impaired gait, jaw pain, joint pain, leg pain, lower back pain / lumbago, migraine, motor vehicle accident, neck deformation / torticollis, occupational injuries, osteoarthritis, pain rehabilitation, plantar fasciitis, posture correction, problem with balance, shoulder pain, spondylolysis, temporo-mandibular joint (tmj) pain, tendonitis, tennis elbow, trigger point dry needling, vertigo, wrist pain, wrist problems, back pain during pregnancy, chiropractic follow up, heel pain, hip pain during pregnancy, nutrition follow up, personal injury, sciatica, ultrasound therapy, wellness care, whiplash injury, workers compensation - injury / impairment. Additional visit reasons are available on his profile.
What languages does Dr. Brittany J speak?
Dr. Brittany J is fluent in english.
How do patients review Dr. Brittany J?
Dr. Brittany J has received an overall rating of 4.9/5 from 244 patients, with top scores for both bedside manner and wait time. Individual reviews and ratings can be found on his profile.